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Podcast cover artwork featuring Harleigh Reid (L) and Malaika Malz (R) with text of podcast title: Sonder & Salt

The weekly podcast for food lovers.




Popular Episodes

  • Pancakes

    Malaika & Harleigh are celebrating Pancake Day! Call it Mardi Gras, Shrove Tuesday or Matilda Day, how are you celebrating? Are crêpes better than American fluffy pancakes? Is there anything better than lemon and sugar on a crepe?

  • Food Love Languages

    Malaika and Harleigh take you through their food love languages, past Valentine's Day experiences & the top supermarket 'Dine In' Deals. Is your primary love language acts of service? Would your Valentine's Day be made by a home-cooked meal from your significant other?

  • Toxic Diet Culture & Our Relationship With Food

    Disclaimer: we discuss dieting, disordered eating and weight loss in this episode. We are discussing our experience and how ridiculous it is that we've been brainwashed throughout our lives to be 'guilt free' and 'earn calories', but if this sounds like something that might trigger or upset you - please sit this one out!

Meet the Hosts

Follow along with our hosts, Malaika & Harleigh, as their shared love for eating food… and cooking sometimes.

An Evening With Sonder and Salt

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